What Is the Best Way to Get Rid of Spider Veins?
Spider-like veins appear close to the surface of your skin and seem to branch out like an endless spider web in all directions, making you feel self-conscious about the appearance of your legs. If you have visible veins that are causing you physical or cosmetic concerns, we can help. At Commonwealth Vein Center in Richmond, VA, we can treat your spider veins so that you can step out in confidence.
What Is the Best Way to Get Rid of Spider Veins?
Many DIY treatments promise to remove your spider veins from the comfort of your own home, and if you’ve tried any of them, you know that they don’t work. We have good news. You don’t have to waste any more of your time or your money on these at-home treatments.
At our office, we are proud to offer sclerotherapy and radiofrequency venous ablation, two effective vein removal treatments that can not only make your veins look better, but can improve their overall condition.
Our Spider Vein Treatments
Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive vein removal treatment that treats and corrects your damaged veins by eliminating them. It is an effective way to get rid of these unwanted veins for good.
How Does It Work?
During the treatment, an ultra-fine needle is injected directly into each of the veins that you want to be removed. This needle injects a medical solution into the veins that causes them to completely collapse. Once collapsed, the blood that used to pool in the vein to create the unsightly appearance will find a new vein through which it can flow freely.
Your body will absorb the collapsed vein and eliminate it through a natural bodily process and that vein will be gone for good. Not only does this treatment provide permanent results, but it will prevent you from experiencing the discomfort caused by those veins in the first place. It is a popular solution because it provides both a cosmetic and medical solution for your damaged veins.
Is There a Recovery Period?
This treatment requires very little recovery time if any. There’s no significant downtime and you won’t have to take any time off of work post-treatment. Once your treatment is complete, we advise that you refrain from vigorous exercise for two weeks. However, we will ask you to take short walks to help promote blood flow and get the best results. You may also be required to wear a compression garment for those two weeks as well.
When Will I Notice Results?
Results vary based on the quantity and the size of the veins you choose to have treated. For smaller veins, results will appear within three to six weeks. For larger veins, results will appear within twelve to sixteen weeks post-treatment.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
Different patients require different treatment plans based on their goals and the number of veins that they want to treat. One month after your initial treatment, we’ll schedule a follow-up treatment to analyze your results and determine if you need additional sessions to reach your goals. To get the best results, we’ll schedule your sclerotherapy appointments with six weeks between each.
Radiofrequency Venous Ablation
Radiofrequency Venous Ablation is a vein removal treatment that uses radiofrequency energy to remove damaged veins. It is a quick and effective option for those who are tired of their spider veins and want to remove them permanently.
What Happens During Treatment?
Your appointment will begin with a numbing treatment. We will apply a local anesthetic to your treatment area so that you can remain comfortable for the duration of your appointment. Then, well make an incision in the treatment area to insert a very thin tube into your vein so that we can deliver the radiofrequency heat energy directly into it.
Once in the vein, the radiofrequency energy generates heat, which closes off the vein by causing its collapse. The tube will then be removed from your vein and the treatment will be complete. Once the vein collapses, your body will eliminate it naturally, and the blood will find a different, healthy vein to flow through.
Is There a Recovery Period?
The recovery period following Radiofrequency Venous Ablation is very short. Before your treatment begins, we’ll provide you with a list of instructions to follow post-treatment to get the best results. We’ll ask you to avoid strenuous exercise and avoid sitting or standing for extended periods. Adhering to these directions will ensure that you get the best results.
When Will I Notice Results?
While it can take up to a year for your body to remove the collapsed veins, you won’t have to wait that long to see results. Once your treatment is complete, you’ll notice an immediate improvement in the appearance of your veins and any negative symptoms will subside immediately as well.
What Are Spider Veins?
Spider veins are damaged veins that are weakened blood vessels. They are very visible and can appear red, purple, or blue. They earned their name because they resemble a spider’s web, branching out all across your skin. The most common area you’ll find them is on the legs, but they can appear in other locations, including the feet and ankles, among others.
Some patients choose to treat them simply because they don’t like how they look; others treat them because they cause them discomfort. These veins often cause some uncomfortable symptoms, including itching, throbbing, and numbness.
How Do They Form?
The primary job of a healthy vein is to allow blood to flow freely towards your heart. They have valves within them so that they can perform this job effectively, and for the most part, they do that job well. However, unhealthy veins can’t perform this job due to damage or weakness.
When the blood can’t flow freely in the right direction, it sits in the veins and pools. As a result, the pressure of that pooling blood pushes the veins up against the surface of your skin. It then becomes visible and can look red, purple, or blue.
What Causes Them?
Some risk factors can increase your chances of developing spider veins. Sometimes changing your lifestyle can help prevent the development of future damaged veins, but without an in-office treatment, improving the appearance of your preexisting veins is difficult.
Your Gender
Pregnancy, taking birth control pills, and hormonal changes all contribute to the fact that women develop damaged veins more often than men do. During pregnancy, your body produces significantly more blood than normal. As a result, all of that extra blood flow through your veins can put pressure on them and lead to weakness and damage.
Normal and birth control-related hormonal changes also can contribute to the weakening of the valves within your veins. This doesn’t mean that men don’t develop these veins; it just means that women are more likely to.
Your Age
Age and weakness seem to go hand in hand. This is true of many things in the body, including the veins. As you age, your veins will eventually get weaker. Spider veins typically develop in those who are older because they have more damaged valves, which leads to more blood pooling, which makes those veins visible through the surface of your skin.
Your Health History
Genetics plays a role in determining whether or not you develop spider veins. You can do everything right, live a healthy lifestyle, and maintain a healthy weight and still be predestined to develop these veins. If your immediate or extended family members have weakened veins, you may be more likely to develop them as well.
Your Lifestyle
Healthy veins like balance. They prefer that you don’t stand for too long and that you don’t sit too long. Avoiding favoring either of these two positions helps your veins stay healthy and strong so that blood can flow through them properly. When you spend too much time sitting or standing, you put too much pressure on your veins, which can, in turn, lead to their inevitable weakening and damage.
Obesity can also contribute to the development of these veins, as can smoking, since it negatively affects your circulation, leading to weakened and damaged veins.
What Are the Benefits of Vein Removal Treatments?
There’s No Significant Downtime
There are different vein treatments that are effective, but many of them are invasive and require hospital time, downtime, and a recovery period. The benefit of these two treatments is that you will get your desired results but all without any significant downtime. The treatments take place in the comfort of our office and once they are complete, you can resume your normal daily routine.
You’ll Get Your Confidence Back
Those who have damaged veins often have a whole closet full of clothes that they won’t wear. They don’t want to wear anything that will draw attention to their veins, so they avoid shorts, skirts, swimsuits, or anything that might showcase their unsightly veins. When you choose our office for your vein removal treatments, we’ll help eliminate them for good that you can feel confident in the appearance of your legs, no matter what you choose to wear.
You’ll Be Symptom-Free
Damaged veins can cause discomfort that can be hard to ignore. They can cause numbness or a burning or itching feeling that is difficult to alleviate. Once you experience vein removal treatment, you’ll be free of these symptoms and will be able to return to all the activities you love.
It Prevents Future Vein Damage
Damaged veins can be somewhat harmless, but if left untreated, they can turn into varicose veins, which can lead to more serious complications including blood clots and ulcers. When you choose one of these treatments to remove your damaged veins, you will prevent future health complications.
Am I a Candidate for Vein Removal?
If you have unsightly veins that are are causing you to experience negative symptoms, or you simply want to remove them to address cosmetic concerns, you are most likely a candidate for one of these treatments. During your initial consultation, we’ll review your medical history and analyze your veins to help determine your candidacy.
Schedule Your Vein Removal Consultation Today
If you have spider veins that are affecting your confidence and causing you discomfort, know that there is a solution and you don’t have to live with them. We want to help treat and eliminate these veins so that you look and feel better. Contact us today at Commonwealth Vein Center in Richmond, VA and schedule your vein removal consultation.